Please read carefully and make sure you comply with the terms of service. Failure to comply might result in additional charges to your credit card and or result in a bad floating experience.
- I'm not currently experiencing my menstrual cycle.
- I here certify that I am not under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any medication that could impair my ability to safely use the float pod.
- I currently do not have bacterial, fungal, or viral infectious diseases.
- I have not experienced any flu-like symptoms in the past 12 days.
- I do not suffer from low blood pressure.
- I am willingly participating in floating therapy and take full responsibility for any harm or injury to myself.
- I understand that Float Away Spa Sacramento personnel are not medical professionals and take responsibility for my health inside this Spa.
- I have not dyed my hair with Fantasy Colors (Blue, Purple, Pink) or Red in any tone in the past 3 months.
- I do not have a history of Epilepsy and if I do, I have consulted with my doctor about floating therapy.
- I have not gotten a new tattoo in the past month.
- I have not gotten a new piercing in the past six months.
-I acknowledge that failure to adhere to the proper pod usage protocol may result in a charge of $850.00 if Spa personnel detect abnormal water or pod contamination.
- All prepaid packages and bundles expire within 1 year of purchase.
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